The Encyclopedia Galactica is not a one-man mission, but instead is built on the works of millions of citizens all across The Galaxy. We aim to provide the most clear, rich, and accurate information on all topics in The Galaxy. We achieve utmost historical and scientific accuracy by means of countless AI systems. As of [date] too, the entirety of the Encyclopedia Galactica is overseen by a singularity-level AI system.

Our History

The Encyclopedia Galactica was originally started on [date] by [name], a baseline Wotan, as an extension of an encyclopedic work on Wotan. Eventually [name]‘s work was adopted and contributed on by a great deal of renowned individuals and started to become the Encyclopedia Galactica The Galaxy has come to know and love today. In its early stages a pledge was made by all who worked on it, an oath which today the organization behind the encyclopedia still follows, one to always provide readers with rich and factually correct information about The Galaxy. We would like to thank [name] for the organization we know today and for creating the foundations for which the greatest knowledge base in The Galaxy would be erected upon.

Our Future

We here at the Encyclopedia Galactica envision a future where we serve as the hub of all knowledge across The Galaxy. To achieve this future we are determined to stick to our oath of utmost truth and fact and to continue to expand the Encyclopedia Galactica with the help of billions of citizens all cross The Galaxy. We are dedicated to creating an environment that fosters the growth of knowledge and exploration and we invite scholars, students, adventurers, and scientists to join us on this journey and to help us expand into new horizons.

The Galaxy Awaits!


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